Our workforce
Our vision for Lancashire and South Cumbria for healthy communities with local people that have the best start in life, so they can live longer, healthier lives.
Our ability to do this requires us to have the right workforce in relation to skills, experience and numbers, to provide the right care to our local population and support them in preventing ill health and maintaining well being.
There are significant health inequalities in our area and we need the workforce to help us address these. We want to develop a system wide approach to tackle the range of issues affecting our workforce.
Our People Plan
The NHS People Plan: We are the NHS: action for us all, was published at the end of July 2020. It focuses on how we must look after each other and foster a culture of inclusion and belonging, as well as take action to grow and train our workforce, and work together differently to deliver patient care.
Our People Plan for Lancashire and South Cumbria builds on the work that we have already started through our Workforce strategy and combines these actions with those set out in the national People Plan (opens in a new window). Whilst there are specific actions in the national plan for the NHS, our intention is to work with all Integrated Care System partners and deliver these ambitions for all our health and care workforce.
Careers and Engagement
Our Careers and Engagement Team work across Lancashire and South Cumbria to provide opportunities for all to be inspired and supported into their dream career working in the NHS and care. Find out more on our new careers website.
Workforce teams
Useful Workforce links