Meeting: Children’s, Young People and Maternity Services System Delivery Board

Meeting Date: 19th November 2020


Key Decisions and Actions:

At the November meeting a dedicated KPI Development Session was held in lieu of the usual agenda. The aim of this was to assist the Board to develop a set of key metrics, as such, the following questions were posed for discussion and agreement:

  • Aims and expected primary outcomes for the identified priority areas
  • How success of these aims and outcomes should be measured
  • What the biggest risks are for the individual workstreams
  • Are there any gaps in data that would support these outcomes
  • Is this data benchmarkable

The Board held discussions around the potential primary metric outcomes for each of the individual priorities and workstreams within these areas with a number of primary outcome metrics being identified. The Children’s, Young People and Maternity Services System Delivery Board agreed that the Development Session had been a valuable exercise and looked forward to a progress update on the development of the key metrics at the next meeting.

Matters for Escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and Signed off by A Griffiths

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