Meeting: Urgent and Emergency Care System Delivery Board

Meeting Date: 20 April 2021


Key Decisions and Actions:

The frequency of meetings was changed to monthly from April and would return to fortnightly from September to monitor progress of the winter plan.

The Board heard updates from members and particularly noted the following:-

• Decreased Covid pressures and increased acute pressures due to higher acuity.

• Concern around perceived change in gold command to a performance management role, also escalated to ICP Senior Leadership Team.

• Concern regarding increased pressures in all mental health services.

• Progress of the Initial Response Service and when this was due to go live.

• Concern around the number of suicides in central Lancashire and work required to address - central Lancashire considered an outlier.

• Concern around the number of unallocated cases to community mental health teams.

• Continued provision of community services including Home First, recognition of pressures in community teams.

• Learning from Covid to be presented at System Delivery Boards to take forward positives.

The performance dashboard was presented this month and a number of actions arose from discussions around increases in attendance and reasons, reduction in community bed utilisation, delayed bed days and delayed access to medical support. It was agreed to link in with the work underway around mortality.

The Board discussed the priorities for 2021/2022 in detail and agreed a draft action plan would be presented at the next meeting.

An out of the ordinary situation was reported where a formal request had been made for ambulance diverts from RPH. It was agreed this would be discussed internally and brought to the next meeting for learning.

Matters for Escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and Signed off by Karen Partington Senior Responsible Officer and Chair

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