Meeting Date 2 September 2021


Key decisions and actions

Key risks and issues

The Board was advised of recruitment issues, capacity and workforce challenges that were impacting on services required to support patients discharged via pathway 1, and would also affect longer term work around intermediate care. It was noted that capacity in the care market was a wider system issue both locally and nationally and had been discussed at the Integrated Care System Board meeting.

Follow up actions from LGA workshop

The Board welcomed back Sarah Mitchell from the Local Government Association and an update was provided on progress to undertake a mapping exercise of services in the system. The mapping work was noted and it was agreed that further work was needed to categorise the services, determine pathways, duplications and any gaps. It was agreed that once this work was complete there was an opportunity to work with system partners to collaboratively agree not to commission any new services before considering what was already there, unless there was clear intelligence that there was a gap, and then work collaboratively to address the gap.

Decision/action: Members to contact Liz Huntbach to progress this work.

2 hour crisis response

The Board welcomed S Hebashy and H Rushton who presented an overview of the nationally mandated programme of work and the minimum requirements to be put in place to deliver a two hour crisis response service across the ICS by March 2022. A number of issues/concerns were identified at the board to be taken to the check and challenge ICS meeting on 6 September, with particular emphasis on clarity regarding what could be delivered for the funding and recruitment challenges in the system. A representative from LTHTR would also attend the meeting to support the issues raised.

Decision/action: Issues noted to be taken to the ICS check and challenge meeting on 6 September. Monthly updates to be provided.

Performance dashboard

D Nelson provided an overview of the performance dashboard. Pathway data and an executive summary would be included next time and it was suggested that metrics around triage processes, CATCH, intermediate care beds and average length of stay would be useful. It was agreed that a deep dive into areas that were working well and/or areas of challenge should be provided at each meeting.

Decision/action: The dashboard to be revised according to the points raised. Performance to be a standing agenda item and include a deep dive topic monthly.


Matters for escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and signed off by Louise Taylor Senior Responsible Officer and Chair

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