Meeting: ICP People Board

Meeting Date: 12th April 2021


Key Decisions and Actions:

The April meeting of the ICP People Board included discussions and updates around the following topics;

Partner updates Following on from the March meeting Lancashire County Council (LCC) and Regulated Care partner updates featured on the agenda at the April meeting of the ICP People Board and highlighted some of the key issues being faced which included staff recruitment and retention. The Board learned that LCC had implemented the ‘Kickstart’ programme, a six-month funded placement for 16-24 year olds at risk of long-term unemployment.

SDB Workforce Representatives

The ICP People Board agreed to identify possible workforce champions across the existing System Delivery Boards who would be able to put workforce challenge into their Boards and link in with the ICP People Board.

Developing our Priorities

Members were presented with the ‘plan on a page’ for the proposed workstreams which had been updated to incorporate the key issues raised highlighted as a result of the partner updates. The Board agreed to identify two or three themes within each area for focus in this financial year which would be presented for approval at the May meeting of the ICP People Board.

Matters for Escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and Signed off by K Swindley

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