Meeting Date 8 November 2021


Therapist Recruitment

Clare Granato, Chief Allied Health Professional at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust presented an update around the Health Education England HEE) Workforce Project noting the funding award to NHS Trusts in England to support the development of an organisational level strategic Allied Health Professional work plan and associated activity. She advised there was a strong collaborative approach to this project and from a governance perspective regular meetings reporting into the Lancashire and South Cumbria Faculty and Council ensured progress was kept on track and monitored appropriately.

In addition to the HEE project she provided a brief overview of the Integrated Therapies project, a high impact winter project that would continue post winter and reported into the Urgent and Emergency Care System Delivery Board. The Board heard the project was initiated in response to a number of issues for both the acute and community therapy teams. Members noted the benefits of the project included a larger combined workforce, flexibility, shared skills and the potential to attract more interest in future AHP recruitment.

It was agreed that Clare Granato and Tracey Dean would provide joint progress updates from an acute and community perspective to be scheduled for the New Year.

Workforce data requests

The Board were provided with an overview of the progress to date in terms of data captured in relation to the Central Lancashire Partnership workforce baseline data and noted that once complete this workforce baseline data would form the starting point for a strategy to be implemented at place.


Matters for escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and signed off by H Curtis Deputy Senior Responsible Office

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