Meeting: Patient, Public, Carer Voice Committee

Meeting Date: 11 May 2021


Key Decisions and Actions

Commissioning Reform

Helen Curtis, Quality and Performance Director for Chorley and South Ribble and Greater Preston CCGs provided a brief overview of commissioning reform. Members heard about the white paper which is due to go through parliament in the summer, hopefully approved by September 2021, and the new system commencing from 1 April 2022. Helen advised that the CCGs were currently going through a transition year, and updated members with details of the work undertaken so far.


ICP Development Plan

The group has been asked to develop a plan and mechanism for engaging with the local population as part of the ICP Development Plan. A ‘Task and Finish’ group has been set up to produce a draft plan and circulate to members for comments and feedback, prior to being approved at the June PPCV meeting.


PPCV ‘Contact us’ form

The group discussed the ‘contact us’ form and commented that the overall look was very professional and was laid out well. Feedback and comments received prior to the meeting was discussed and several amendments were agreed.


‘Deep Dive’ - Urgent and Emergency Care System Delivery Board

Dr Lindsey Dickinson presented the group with an overview of the Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC) system delivery board. Members heard what the purpose of the board was and were updated on some of the work that the board had focussed on over the last eight months, as well as supporting with Covid-19 pandemic. The PPCV heard that 2021/22 priorities for the UEC board are: - admission avoidance, system flow, and development and delivery of the Winter Plan 2021/2022.


Partner updates – Lancashire Carers Services

Colin Bowman, Partnership and Engagement Officer for the Lancashire Carers Service (LCS), provided an indepth overview of some of the work of the LCS, including support with statutory carers assessments, which provide an opportunity for carers to record the impact that caring has on their life, for example, physical, mental, and emotional needs, also, the carer may be entitled to a personal budget. LCS has a carers digital community network which has over 1k members and can be accessed 24/7 and offers peer to peer support. LCS monitor the network to ensure accessibility is safe. During Covid the LCS created two new digital platforms, one called ‘CHIP’ (Carers Health Information Partnership) that provides advise and support to professionals including social prescribers and GPs, and one called ‘PIN’ (Partners Information Network), where once a month there is a thematic topic, for example, how to better engage with carers.


Matters for Escalation (and where to): N/A

Completed and Signed off by Sumantra Mukerji Chair, Central Lancashire ICP Patient, Public and Carers Voice Committee

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