Meeting: ICP People Board

Meeting Date: 8th February 2021


Key Decisions and Actions:

The ICP People Board held a very positive and productive second meeting, key highlights from this meeting include;


Draft Terms of Reference

The amended sections of the draft Terms of Reference were presented and approved by the ICP People Board.


ICS People Board update

The Board received an update from the ICS People Board from K Swindley. It was agreed that going forward this would become a standard agenda item. Developing our Statement of Intent and ICP People Strategy The development of the Statement of Intent and ICP People Strategy was discussed, members agreed the updated draft document would be circulated to the Board for review and presented at the March meeting of the Board for approval.


Priorities Discussion and development

The Board reviewed and discussed the proposed priorities and the following 4 workstreams were agreed:

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • System Reform
  • Workforce Supply
  • Pandemic sustainability and recovery

The Board agreed that the March meeting would feature partner updates around ‘key issues from a people perspective’ to help the Board identify key actions for the year.


Matters for Escalation (and where to): N/A

Completed and Signed off by K Swindley

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