Meeting: ICP Clinical and Professional Forum

Meeting Date: May 2021


Key Decisions and Actions

The Forum welcomed colleagues from organisations across the partnership to participate in a stakeholder engagement workshop looking at Patient Initiated Follow Up (PIFU). This interactive session was led by Elizabeth Macphie, Deputy AMD, Clinical Lead for CLMW and Consultant Rheumatologist and a core member of the Forum. The session was very well attended and discussions focussed on what an ideal PIFU pathway should provide for both the patient and clinician. The important things to consider were patient selection and the right support tools, and when done properly, PIFU reduced the primary care workload and hospital appointments.

An update was provided by Karen Swindley, Strategy, Workforce and Education Director at LTH of the work ongoing in the ICP People Board to identify the priority actions for the Board. Members were asked to identify workforce champions within other ICP boards and committees to highlight any workforce issues to the ICP People Board to ensure support where needed. One of the priorities was to identify learning from the pandemic, including what went well as a system and lessons learned, and to build these into programmes of work. Members highlighted collaboration between teams and organisations, development of working relationships, staff flexibility, working together in different more integrated ways, use of advice and guidance, clinical triage and strengthening of primary care teams.

The Forum welcomed Jack Smith, Director of the L&SC Diagnostics & Stroke Transformation Programmes, who gave an update on the Community Diagnostics Hubs programme, a national accelerator programme to address overstretching of NHS diagnostic services particularly during the pandemic and was based on a community based service delivery model to increase capacity for elective diagnostics in a community setting. Detail was provided around the objectives, what was expected to be provided within the Hubs and next steps. Members highlighted clearly defined pathways for referral, equality of access and consideration of mobile units, services for children, and training for clinicians including GPs and newly qualified. The opportunities the hubs would provide were discussed and anyone wishing to be involved was advised to contact Gary Doherty.

An update of the ICP Digital Strategy was provided by Stephen Dobson, Chief Information Officer. He described in detail the digital governance structures, the various workstreams and responsibilities, the models and the systems to be implemented, and next steps, and members were invited to become involved in the work. Members noted several positives including implementation of a single patient record, benefits to resolve inefficiencies in current systems, safety aspects in particular medication, and patient access to their records to support patient initiative follow up.


Matters for Escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and Signed off by Lindsey Dickinson Chair, ICP Clinical and Professional Forum

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