Meeting: ICP Clinical and Professional Forum

Meeting Date: June 2021


Key Decisions and Actions

Dr Arun Chidambaram (Medical Director), Ian Brocklehurst (Lead Nurse) and Manoj Rajagopal (Mental Health Consultant) from LSCFT gave very detailed and comprehensive presentations around mental health services in central Lancashire, older people services and the ICS Suicide Prevention Plan. Detail was provided of services and how these work, plans for system reform and future service development, investment, new models of care, re-design of services and pathways, and challenges. Specific note was made of the significant increase in activity across all services, much of this related to the pandemic and post Covid impacts, but also deprivation and socio-economic factors. The Forum agreed the importance of effective partnership working; greater engagement between services and with patients; integration and communication to support patients and clinicians; sharing of information; and involvement of voluntary sector colleagues. Members participated in break out room sessions to discuss the question “How can wider stakeholders outside mental health services contribute to suicide prevention within central Lancashire ICP”. The feedback from the session would support the development of the LSCFT 5 year plan.

Steve Flynn, Commissioning and Delivery Manager for the CCGs, provided a detailed update on progress around advice and guidance including importance in relation to elective care restoration, roll out of the Morecambe Bay model, data around utilisation of the service and next steps which included an action plan to manage development of the next phases of the programme across the ICS. The importance of increasing uptake of the service in primary was noted along with the challenges related to advice and guidance and it was agreed that a small task and finish group would be convened to address the issues raised and develop a way forward with support from continuous improvement methodology.

Medical Director at St Catherine's Hospice and Consultant in Palliative Medicine at Lancashire Teaching Hospital NHS Trust provided an update around palliative care and end of life services which included an overview of data using palliative and end of life metrics, the business case, progress of the big room work, priority areas and the Winter Pressures Care Homes Project at St Catherine’s. It was noted that place of death data showed increased deaths out of hospital and that central Lancashire was an outlier, the need to plan for the future to manage this was agreed. It was noted that the business case was awaiting approval for funding, however, the Forum was pleased to note that recurrent funding had been approved for the overnight advice line which provided advice and support to clinicians, patients and their families. A request was made to consider BAME and other communities in this work and it was agreed it would be useful to translate key resources into other languages. The Forum noted the great work being undertaken and the support provided to District Nurses by the hospice team. It was also recognised that families and carers also needed support and this would be included in big room discussions.


Matters for Escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and Signed off by Lindsey Dickinson Senior Responsible Officer

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