Meeting: ICP Clinical and Professional Forum
Meeting Date: 10 December
Key Decisions and Actions:
ICP Options Appraisal Process
The Forum welcomed Lisa Roberts who presented the proposed options appraisal process which had been developed to ensure consistent consideration of all future multi-agency transformation schemes or projects. The process had been discussed at ICP SLT and ICP Resource committee, where the need for it had been recognised and suggestions were made to include a decision making tree that would identify when to use the process and when not to and also that a pilot of the process be undertaken before finalising and rolling out for wider use. Following discussion the Forum was pleased to endorse the process recognising the importance of a pilot using frailty and potentially respiratory.
CATCH Review
The Forum was pleased to hear a detailed update of the CATCH review which included the findings and next steps. Concern was raised regarding the apparent lack of knowledge of the CATCH service in the wider primary care settings and what that meant in terms of full utilisation of the service and impacts on patients. It was agreed that further work was required to make this an effective service particularly around admission avoidance and a whole system approach was needed along with improved communications to encourage uptake of the service in primary care and support hospital avoidance. On a positive note the Forum was pleased that work was being undertaken to strengthen links between all system partners and CATCH including the voluntary sector, and also that the digital health service was working with CATCH.
Statement of Intent
The Forum agreed to consider the Statement of Intent further outside of the meeting and forward any comments to the Chair and the Strategic Lead. The finalised version would be brought back to a future meeting. Agenda Planning The Forum discussed a number of areas for future agenda items and these would be added to the forward planner. Hospital Pressures The current pressures being faced in the Trust due to Covid were highlighted.
Matters for Escalation (and where to)
Completed and Signed off by Gerry Skailes Clinical Lead, ICP CIC Clinical and Professional Forum