Meeting Date 9 September 2021
Key Decisions and Actions
Pathways to PCNs to VCSE provision: Service Model
J Hannett presented an overview of a report published in August by West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership the result and findings of a pilot developed to monitor people with long-term health conditions currently on waiting lists for an elective procedure. The service model linked GPs with the voluntary sector with the aim of identifying people who would benefit from interventions and non-clinical services currently in place via voluntary sector organisations that would impact and benefit the health and wellbeing of those individuals.
The Board heard the report used the findings from this pilot to offer practical guidance on an approach to establishing pathways and alternative therapies delivered by the VCSE in conjunction with Primary Care Networks. It was acknowledged this was an interim report with a more detailed evaluation of the findings due to be published in the near future.
Action Planning Task and Finish Group
L Huntbach reported the group had finalised the key areas of focus with future efforts being concentrated on the design of the offer, the location and the development of a mobilisation plan of how to implement the work in those areas as determined by the Task and Finish Group. It was noted a copy of the mobilisation plan would be presented for approval at the October meeting of the system delivery board.
Population Health Transformation Programme
S Karunanithi presented with an overview of the Reforming Public Health Programme. Members heard that health is everybody’s business and the responsibility for addressing health inequalities would require a collaborative partnership approach across the whole system with the aim being to create a thriving Lancashire by improving the health and wellbeing of the residents and the reduction of health inequalities between communities.
Population Health Management Operating Model and Development Programme
S Khandavalli presented a comprehensive overview of work underway by the ICS Population Health Group established to develop a population health strategy and the operating model responsible for the delivery of the strategy at ICS level. It was acknowledged that whilst there were a number of projects underway both at a national and local level it was important to develop a place-based approach to this based on the needs of the population being served.
Matters for Escalation (and where to) N/A
Completed and Signed off by G Hall Senior Responsible Officer