Meeting date 14 October 2021


Key decisions and actions

The October meeting of the Determinants of Health System Delivery included a range of updates and discussions around the following topics;

Preston Population Health Management funding update

The Board were presented with an overview of a number of initiatives being implemented aimed at supporting the residents of Preston, the details of some of these were described as follows;

• The Care and Repair project aims to support people in deprived areas to stay safe in their own homes or access to community services where appropriate.

• CHiL a county wide project recently extended and offers advice and guidance on affordable heating, energy and money saving tips.

• The provision of financial support to a pilot project based on findings from the Morecambe Bay pilot which aims to keep people well at home;

• Funding still to be allocated to support the development and implementation of a social prescribing model in Preston.

Central Lancashire Enhanced Covid Support for Winter

Members were presented with an overview of the evaluation and recommendations from the central Lancashire Enhanced Covid Support for Winter project. V Willett, Shared Service Lead, Transformation and Partnership for Chorley Council advised the report contained a summary in terms of the work carried out, findings, impact analysis and options for future refinements should this project be extended and it was noted the report provided a number of opportunities to use this social prescribing model approach going forwards.

Mental Health Scoping

The Board welcomed Paul White, the Associate Director of Operations for Access, Urgent Care and Inpatients for Central and West Lancashire Mental Health, for Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust. The comprehensive presentation provided an overview of A & E demand comparisons, January to August 2021 practice demand for Chorley, South Ribble and Preston; an update around the number of people presenting at A & E with mental health concerns to understand if some of these people were already known to mental health services and/or if they had recently been discharged from mental health services. In addition the presentation looked at how people were arriving at A & E and the demand patterns in the community for Chorley and South Ribble.

P White reported the next steps from an LSCFT perspective were to share the data and processes with other teams and clinical leads with the aim to work collaboratively within the community and GPs to understand and identify how resources could be adapted to work in a different way and try to address those people presenting at A & E with Mental Health concerns.

It was agreed to develop a smaller task and finish group outside of this meeting to support progression of this strand of work.


Matters for escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and signed off by L Huntbach Senior Lead

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