Meeting date 9 December 2021


Key decisions and actions

People Board Update

The Forum welcomed Karen Swindley who gave an overview of the work of the People Board. It was agreed that this work should be driven from the system delivery boards and committees where the Board could be tasked to resolve any workforce issues identified using the expertise in the Board. It was noted there were test pathways such as frailty and ASD that the People Board could look at. The process for the moment would be to email any requests for support to K Swindley, copying in Lisa Roberts and Sam Loughlin.

Decision/Action: Expressions of interest would be sought from primary care for representatives to be involved in the people board

Frailty Big Room

The Forum welcomed Stuart Clough and Catherine Silcock, who provided an update around the work of the frailty big room. The importance of setting high level strategic aims, partnership working and measuring how people were supported better at home was noted. The Forum particularly highlighted the importance of understanding how the frailty pathway could be owned as a system, the strategic changes needed to move forward and suggested the work should link into the central Lancashire Partnership governance framework possibly via the Clinical and Professional Forum and CLP Board. It was also suggested to task the People Board to review the workforce aspects of the frailty pathway identify areas to reduce duplication, make better use of workforce and work differently.

Decision/Action: Task the People Board to look at the workforce aspects of the frailty pathway.

Learning from Digital Health

The Forum welcomed Marie Thompson, who presented a detailed overview of the digital health project and the learning, and outlined the new 2 hour crisis response service which included a digital response offer, and it was agreed that the learning from the digital project should be used to support the new service. The culture in the system was particularly highlighted in terms of how care homes were perceived whereas the reality was different. The importance of partnership working to support people out of hospital was agreed along with the need for a greater understanding of working differently and effectively to reduce duplication across the system, and how digital enablers could support. It was suggested that the 2 hour response work should be a key focus for the Forum to ensure the learning from digital health was maximised.


Matters for escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and signed off by Gerry Skailes Clinical Lead

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