Meeting Date 2 December 2021


Key decisions and actions


Ruth Trevena provided a brief update of the current position against the Board’s five KPIs noting those areas where increases had occurred. It was suggested it would be useful to capture data for reasons for admission where possible, Emma Ince reported there was a piece of work underway supported by ECIST around the new criteria ‘Reason to Admit’ and suggested it would be useful to review the outcomes from this when available.

Self-Assessment against the 10 point plan

Members were reminded of the development and purpose of the UEC Recovery 10 point action plan. In terms of progress against this plan Craig Frost reported the majority of requirements set out in the action plan were being partially met noting the self-assessment template highlighted the abundance of activity that was already taking place across the system. The Board endorsed the self-assessment plan and the assurance that there was no requirement for the Board to escalate any significant gaps that would result in a review against those existing actions already in place.

Update from the UEC Oversight Group

Jayne Mellor reported further to the last meeting had included focussed discussions around crisis, therapy and community beds and the issues with access to those community beds. She advised the group had acknowledged whilst capacity was an issue there was a need to primarily focus upon access to those beds. The Board heard there were ongoing issues with resource and recruitment within Therapy Services, Jayne Mellor advised there were discussions underway around the potential to redeploy staff into the system but this was not without risk and would require further detailed discussions to understand if this approach was a possibility.

Crisis Hours

Chris Cote provided a brief update for the Crisis Hours Plan A and B.

Headlines included;

o Plan A - Actions agreed and in progress

o Plan B – As part of the winter plan LCC has increased capacity with Age UK with further meetings planned to identify any additional resource to support Hospital Discharge and Avoidance

o Discretion fund now available via CATCH

Organisational update on improvement plans: LSCFT

The Board were provided with a comprehensive and detailed overview of the LSCFT Internal Organisational Improvement Plans. Members heard this was a wide ranging presentation and reported on a number of transformational schemes and the impact of those schemes on the Central and West locality.


Matters for escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and signed off by Steve Christian Senior Responsible Officer and Independent Chair

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