Meeting Date 11 November 2021


Key decisions and actions

Health Equity Commission Request

G Hall reminded members of the information request from the Health Equity Commission and recapped the process and timelines in relation to the request and reiterated the importance of all partners submitting a response for their individual organisations.

Central Lancashire Place Based Long-Term Health Inequalities Action Plan

The Board were presented with an overview of the draft action plan central Lancashire and update around the Neighbourhood Intelligence Tool which focused on profiling small area data to inform service planning. Dr Sakthi Karunanithi, Director of Public Health, Lancashire County Council reminded members of the importance of developing a long-term action plan and were provided with the an outline of what a ten-year action plan to tackle health inequalities across central Lancashire may look like. It was noted a series of workshops would be scheduled to include wider partners to develop this into a comprehensive high-level draft plan.

Mental Health Update – All Age and LD Access Pathway

The Board welcomed Ian Brocklehurst, Service Manager, Access and Urgent Care, Central Lancashire (Mental Health) for Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust who provided a comprehensive overview of the Initial Response Service and Pathway that would provide a single point of access for service users, carers and professionals into Mental Health Services across central Lancashire due to be operational by February 2022.

Hypertension Task and Finish Group

Members heard the task and finish group had now identified the most at risk localities with further work underway to identify the most at risk individuals. The Board noted district colleagues were now working on the next steps in relation to the engagement both in communities and at local level.

Admission Avoidance Project

G Hall reported he had been involved in the early development of a project around Admission Avoidance to try to help reduce some of the winter pressures on the system by identifying a cohort of at risk individuals who may be at risk during the winter. He advised the project would adopt the Population Health Management approach and would focus upon the development of a pathway to try to pre-empt those individuals from becoming unwell. Members noted the project was still in the early stages and that the proposal and funding had been approved for use across Chorley, South Ribble and Preston to develop what would be a fast-paced project further.


Matters for escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and signed off by G Hall Senior Responsible Officer

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