Invitation to attend UHMBT Patient Safety the date!

Date posted: 18th March 2022

UHMBT article

I’m delighted to share with you all that UHMBT is holding its first Patient Safety Day event on Wednesday 27 April and we are extending the invite to all our colleagues within Bay Health and Care Partners.

The Trust is also planning on holding a second event on Saturday 17 September to recognise and support World Patient Safety Day. Please hold both dates in your diary.

Improving patient safety is a key priority for UHMBT as an organisation as well as a national priority across the NHS as a whole. Implementation of the new National Patient Safety Strategy means that all healthcare organisations will need to work in new and different ways. How patient safety incidents are investigated, how learning is implemented, sustained and shared, patient involvement and how we promote and embed a culture that supports learning and improvement, are all crucial areas both for us as an organisation and across the NHS as a whole.

In recent months, the UHMBT Patient Safety team has worked with a number of colleagues to plan a virtual event to take place on Wednesday 27 April. The day will be an opportunity for colleagues to come together and hear from a range of external speakers to share experience, learning and insight relating to patient safety improvement. .

Talks and sessions will include hearing from national experts in areas such as human factors, psychological safety, improving safety for invasive procedures and learning from excellence. 

We are planning on starting the day listening to and talking with Dr Kate Allatt, a TEDX speaker and former NHS patient with ‘Locked in Syndrome’. Kate has previously presented on NHS Leadership Programmes and will share some of her remarkable and gripping experience with us all and how we can all learn from it for the safety of others.

We hope that these events will become a valued resource for colleagues and an opportunity to share learning and insight from other organisations and national experts as we move forward in our journey.

If you can spare the time even for just some of the day, please do join in, listen and contribute to the discussions. We will also be making sure that sessions are recorded and made available to watch after the event so if you aren’t able to join all the talks on the day, you’ll still be able to watch the sessions at a later date.

The topics and areas covered will be expanded as more events are planned in the future and this is also where you will be able to input and share your knowledge, insight and experience for the benefit of others.

Please look out for further information very soon, but for now please save the dates!

Aaron Cummins

Chief Executive, UHMBT

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