Meeting Date 9 December 2021


Key decisions and actions

L Taylor reported back from the GP Network Meetings where she had discussed the role and aims of this Board and the wider partnership. She highlighted the importance of GPs as critical partners central to achieving integrated working and sharing of intelligence, and the importance of maintaining communication with GPs.

PCN Development / Central Lancashire Terminology

D Roberts outlined the changes that would be seen in terminology, particularly around primary care network (PCNs) development and integrated teams working on PCN footprints in neighbourhoods. In terms of PCN development, work was ongoing to develop a PCN level MDT and a standard operating procedure for how the neighbourhood teams would work together.

LCC strengths based working Innovation Sites

The positive feedback received by the innovation teams was highlighted, despite the challenges staff were feeling re-energised and enthusiastic about this different way of working. A patient case story was noted where informal interventions had helped an individual reconnect with old friends which had made a huge impact for her, in many cases involvement had ended at conversation one with little formal care delivered.

Preston Pilot

Work was ongoing to identify a cohort of patients and a mechanism for consent to share information and the level of information required. The importance of linking social prescribers into the various work programmes in the system was agreed. It was noted that the innovation teams in seeking out services available in local areas had found a number of things they were not previously aware of and it was agreed there was a wider piece of work needed to link this information together.

Intermediate Care

Work was ongoing with eight workstreams identified and the strategic commissioning committee was due to endorse the intermediate care programme on 13 January and a meeting was scheduled for next week to hold some pragmatic discussions around how the programme would work.

Service Finder/Refernet

Further to a meeting to discuss these systems in more detail, the Innovation sites were keen to adopt the systems and further discussions would be held around mechanisms to support access.

Interdependences of Work Programmes

The interdependencies across the boards around work programmes and priorities had been noted and the CLP Senior Leadership Team were attending a half day workshop to think about this, provide clarity around connections and how to support this work so that people were not reporting into multiple areas, an overarching piece of work would be undertaken and link into this group.


Matters for escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and signed off by Louise Taylor Senior Responsible Officer and Chair

Accessibility tools

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