Meeting: ICP Clinical and Professional Forum

Meeting Date: 26 November


Key Decisions and Actions:

ICP CI Strategy

The Forum welcomed Ailsa Brotherton, who presented the ICP Continuous Improvement Strategy. This document had been developed for the whole ICP and had recently been approved by ICP Board with encouragement for partners to work together to develop the approach to continuous improvement. The context for having a strategy was outlined and the key elements of the document, including methodology for planning and delivering improvements; programme design, delivery, measurement, impacts and learning; flow coaching academy and the big rooms were described in detail.


Statement of Intent (not appearing on the agenda)

L Dickinson presented the Statement of Intent for the Forum and advised that as part of the ongoing ICP governance development, a statement of intent for the group was requested to outline the purpose of the CPF. This had been to ICP Board and feedback had been received. The document would be circulated for comments prior to the next meeting.


Agenda Planning

The Forum discussed ideas for future agenda topics and a number of suggestions were made including PIFU (patient initiated follow up) and how electronic patient records and databases could support; psychological support for patients with long term conditions; and integrating specialty pathways to ensure patients are referred to the right place at the right and have the right diagnostics.


GP Expedite Letters An issue was raised around GP expedite letters being received at LTHTR which were related to patient waiting times. Information in terms of what was expected in an expedite letter would be provided for inclusion in the primary care bulletins.


Matters for Escalation (and where to) Completed

Signed off by Lindsey Dickinson Chair, ICP Clinical and Professional Forum

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