Meeting: ICP CIC Clinical and Professional Forum

Meeting Date: 11 February and 25 February 2021


Key Decisions and Actions

Acute Frailty Unit Business Case The Forum welcomed back Chris Endersby and members of the acute frailty team from LTHTR. Chris provided a presentation of the acute frailty pathway in support of the acute frailty unit business case. Following discussion the Forum was pleased to endorse the acute frailty unit business case. The work of the unit was recognised with particular note of the whole system approach to frailty. The Forum further noted the importance of being proactive to ensure an end to end service for frailty.


Impact of Covid on people with learning disabilities and autism

The Forum heard a presentation from Charlotte Hammond from LCC and Mark Day, from the Dalesview Partnership Care Provider. They highlighted a number of issues and risks particularly inequalities in health services affecting this cohort of the population, and outlined the current position in relation to vaccination and associated issues. Following discussion the Forum noted the issues and risks in particular in relation to Covid and acknowledged that there was a cohort of people that had been under served by health services. The importance of partnership working to improve the health and wellbeing of this cohort of people and to safeguard through the rest of the pandemic was noted. Discussions and actions would be progressed outside of the meeting to address the issues raised.


ICP Priority Setting Process J Partington outlined the proposed ICP priority setting process for 2021/2022 to allocate priorities across the ICP system delivery boards. It was noted the process appeared complicated, however, clinical conversations and work ongoing within the SDBs would provide a good understanding of what was needed. The ICP Core Team would provide support to the Forum with the process.


Matters for Escalation (and where to)

Completed and Signed off by Lindsey Dickinson Chair, ICP CIC Clinical and Professional Forum

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