Meeting: Determinants of Health System Delivery Board

Meeting Date: 8th April 2021


Key Decisions and Actions:

Following approval of priorities for the new year, the focus of the Determinants of Health System Delivery Board for this month is that of action planning and agreement of data requirements.

The Board’s immediate priority is to identify a focus area within each disease profile and ascertain the areas of inequality, with the poorest outputs and worst outcomes. The Board agreed that Hypertension, which falls under the Cardiovascular Disease Profile area, would be the area of focus for the year 2021/22.

It was agreed that in order to progress there is an immediate requirement to attain further granular data from Public Health colleagues. The key actions taken from this meeting included;

• Mapping of Community Services: what is available for our population, what they are expected to deliver and their accessibility.

• Identification of preventative services that relate to Hypertension, which will enable us to map out the services we have already in place.

• Public Health colleagues to identify wards with high prevalence of diagnosed hypertension and complete mapping of GP practices to show the estimated gap (to PHE ambition) of the counts of unidentified and undertreated hypertension cases.

Matters for Escalation (and where to) n/a

Completed and Signed off by G Hal

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