Meeting Date 13 January 2022


Key Decisions and Actions

The January meeting of the Determinants of Health System Delivery Board included updates and discussions around the following topics;

Admission Avoidance Project

The Board were presented with an overview of the background and progress to date for the Admission Avoidance Project. Gary Hall, Senior Responsible Officer for the Board and project explained there were three key elements which were based upon the identification of the At risk cohort, pathway redesign and the planned delivery model. In terms of next steps, members heard the focus was now on the pathway redesign element to identify the most effective and efficient way to support an individual using the social prescribing model, and to further understand the social issues those patients with respiratory issues may also experience.

Step-by-Step Approach to the Integrated Long-Term Health Inequalities Plan

Alex Downard, Head of Service, Covid Planning and Delivery Coordination at Lancashire County Council presented an overview of the four phases in the development of the action plan, this included an outline of the next steps and timeline against each of the phases with the final draft version of the plan due to be presented for approval at the 10 February meeting of the Board. Gary Hall advised there was further work to be done to understand how the DoH SDB would deliver the plan and the best way to prompt the change needed by individuals and communities in relation to addressing the causes of the causes.

Task and Finish Group update

L Huntbach, Head of Partnership Development presented the hypertension task and finish group update and included a reminder of the Board’s approach, an overview of the timeline noting the planned multiple staged interventions due to commence in February 2022 and a reminder of the work that had taken place up to this point with a high-level overview of the task and finish group’s action plan, aims and objectives.

Preston Population Health Management Funding Progress Update

Liz Mossop, Assistant Director, Head of Advice and Community Services at Preston City Council provided a comprehensive update around the projects underway as part of the PHM funding allocated to Preston City Council in 2021.


Matters for Escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and Signed off by G Hall Senior Responsible Officer

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