Meeting date 25 November 2021


Key decisions and actions

Integrated Urgent Care Programme

The Forum welcomed Jo Sherbourne, Procurement Manager, CCGs, who provided a detailed presentation of the integrated urgent care programme the stages involved in the development of the programme, next steps and timescales. A long list of options had been produced and a project group set up to look at these and undertake an evaluation process with a panel of subject matter experts, to produce a short list of options or one preferred model to develop, with the aim to have an agreed and approved model by April 2022. The Forum noted the importance of wider clinical input into this process and that it would be preferable to aim for an agreed model by February to enable this to go through current governance processes.

Decision/Action: LSCFT to provide representation on the project group.

Provider Collaborative

The Forum welcomed Ed Parsons, Programme Director, Provider Collaborative Board, who provided an update on the Provider Collaborative Board (PCB) and outlined the remit and function of the clinical integration group, which included development of a clinical strategy, overview of existing clinical programmes in the system, and reassessment of where to focus efforts such as fragile services and opportunities for efficiencies. A further update would be provided in the New Year.

Finance Programme Budgeting

The Forum welcomed Katherine Disley, Chief Finance and Contracting Officer, CCGs, who presented a programme budgeting methodology, which would provide data to help inform decisions, the main aim being to provide a central Lancashire data set around expenditures and costs. Following discussion the Forum noted the value of this work and how it could support development of local priorities and allow selection of pathways to focus on improving outcomes and save money. The Forum welcomed an update in the New Year once the next level of work was completed.

Fracture Liaison Service

Dr Lizzy Macphie presented for discussion a proposal to develop a central Lancashire fracture liaison service, noting the complexities involved in setting up this service, the benefits seen in other areas and the importance of primary care support. She noted the importance of working together to co-ordinate resources to develop the service locally and outlined priorities, criteria and the implications regarding resources. Next steps would include discussions and agreement of a service model and pathways, including primary care and patient representation and development of a business case. Following lengthy discussion, the Forum noted the value of the work and financial savings despite the costs and fully supported the development of this service for central Lancashire and that further discussions would take place to develop a way to progress this work.

Decision/Action: A representative from primary care to be sought to be involved in this work.


Matters for escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and signed off by Lindsey Dickinson Senior Responsible Officer

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