Central Lancashire Partnership Board - Key messages 9 June 2022

Date posted: 4th July 2022

Meeting Date 9 June 2022



Key Decisions and Actions

Development Session

In view of the current health and care system changes the Board took the opportunity to pause the usual business meeting and hold a development session to discuss and reflect on what the changes would mean for central Lancashire, note the work that would transfer to new arrangements and the areas of continued focus in terms of delivery of the SDB priorities.

A progress update was provided of the work being undertaken to close down the CCGS and the arrangements for the establishment of the ICB. Work was ongoing to recruit to the new structures and the formal transfer would take place by the end of June. It was expected that interim arrangements would continue into the new year as structures were established and recruited to.

The importance of continuing the work around the priorities was noted and that the focus was on delivery with partners through the system delivery boards. Delivery plans had been developed for each priority which would be circulated to the enabler groups with a request to review where support could be provided to support this work with particular focus on workforce and digital. The next stage was to develop the measures of success to show where differences had been made.

It was agreed that the priorities had been developed to address the needs of residents within central Lancashire and would not change regardless of the new structure, though it was acknowledged the system changes may result in changes to membership of the various fora and the Senior Leadership Team and the Senior Responsible Officers would monitor that and ensure the focus remained on delivery. It was suggested that further detail around the expected benefits was needed to ensure the agreed priorities were the right priorities to focus on, and that the objectives within the priorities be developed into SMART objectives to support that delivery. It was agreed that consideration was needed of the risks to progressing some areas of the work as colleagues moved into system roles and it was suggested that the Senior Leadership Team kept oversight of that.

The Board welcomed Jane Scattergood (lead for the work on the Place-based Partnerships boundary re-alignment), who provided an overview of the boundary review, the rationale, the engagement work she was undertaking across Lancashire and South Cumbria and the main themes arising from the feedback she had received.

It was noted that whatever the changes would be, existing relationships would remain and be built upon, there would be greater co-terminosity between councils which would support delivery in partnership with the NHS at place. The integral role of the district councils was highlighted. It was agreed there was an opportunity to do things differently and at scale, and the focus should continue to be on delivery of the priorities for our residents.



Matters for Escalation (and where to) N/A

Completed and Signed off by Marie Burnham Central Lancashire Partnership Independent Chair

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